Nadeem’s Journey

BOOK REVIEW: Nadeem’s Journey by Sherine Anniruth

Nadeem’s Journey is a heartfelt story of a mother who lost her twenty-five-years old son to cancer. Sherine was unmarried when she got pregnant with Nadeem. When Sherine’s mother found out about her pregnancy, she supported her. Sherine welcomed a healthy boy Nadeem into her life and she celebrated him every day.

While growing up, Nadeem once decided to move to Perth. His family supported his decision and they left South Africa for Perth. Many times they felt lonely in Perth. However, it was cancer that changed the life of Nadeem’s family forever.

The courage with which Nadeem has lived his life is something I really applaud. Not everyone can show such bravery. Those who have experienced loss of a child in life could relate to the author’s journey more.

The emotions are expressed well in this book. While reading this book, I felt as if I knew the author personally. It is a must read book written in a lucid language. Go ahead with it without any second thoughts.

Rating: 5/5

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