Category Archives: Book Reviews

When a Stranger Knocks

BOOK REVIEW: When a Stranger Knocks by Peggy Ann Shumway

Are you a fan of historical fiction?

If so, you’ll want to dive into Peggy Ann Shumway’s newest release. The protagonist, Joaquina, immediately resonates as a relatable and responsible character. The story begins with tragedy: Joaquina’s father and brother are brutally murdered on the Souza farm, leaving her powerless to intervene. This devastating loss plunges Joaquina’s mother into deep grief.

In response, Joaquina becomes wary of strangers, removing any signs of hospitality from their farm. When two men, Noah and Michael, show up seeking work, Joaquina is initially irritated. However, her brother Manny welcomes them, needing help with planting. To everyone’s surprise, Noah and Michael begin fixing things around the farm, taking initiative and proving themselves useful. Joaquina remains torn about whether to trust them. When Michael told her about his mother who was murdered by his step-father, will Joaquina be compassionate to him?

This gripping story kept me hooked from start to finish. Shumway’s dialogue is skillfully crafted, and her characters are richly developed. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more from this talented author.

Rating: 5/5

Profound Light

BOOK REVIEW: Profound Light by Jacob Mundy

“Profound Light” is a gripping memoir that profoundly shifted my perspective on life’s challenges, urging me to embrace resilience over petty grievances. Chronicling the journey of a two-time cancer survivor, the author’s early encounters with adversity instilled in him a remarkable strength from a tender age, persisting through childhood into adolescence.

Throughout the grueling days of chemotherapy, his resilience never wavered, despite its draining toll. Emerging victorious from his initial battle was a triumph not only for him but for all who rallied behind him. When cancer resurfaced six years later, hope seemed fleeting, yet Jacob and his family remained steadfast, buoying each other through the storm.

Delve into this narrative to witness the author’s indomitable spirit through two harrowing bouts with cancer, and the transformative power of his journey. His tale imparts invaluable lessons on self-forgiveness amid circumstances beyond our control. Amidst my own trials, Jacob’s story infused me with hope, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness in our healing journey. For those seeking illumination, this memoir beckons as a beacon of solace. Dive into its pages without hesitation; it’s a quintessential read for memoir lovers.

Rating: 5/5

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Missed Cue

BOOK REVIEW: Missed Cue by Lynn Slaughter

“Missed Cue” is the first novel by Lynn Slaughter that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Her captivating writing style ensures that I’ll be seeking out more of her work in the future. The story follows Caitlin O’Connor and Stan as they investigate the mysterious death of ballerina Lydia Miseau. Despite her tragic end, Lydia was well-regarded by everyone, suggesting she had no known enemies.

Lydia’s husband, Victor, was previously married to Sarah Pesetsky. He left his family after falling for the younger Lydia, which created tension with his son, Frederick. Although Frederick initially resented Lydia, he claimed to have eventually come to terms with the situation. But was he being truthful? The case is complicated further by a substantial insurance policy on Lydia, as the company insures its principal dancers.

The question remains: who is responsible for Lydia’s death? Slaughter crafts a compelling and well-executed conclusion to the mystery. Additionally, I appreciated the subplot where Caitlin grapples with her tendency to fall for the wrong men.

The book’s cover is striking, and the narrative is consistently engaging with no dull moments. I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. The suspense is maintained until the very end, making it a must-read. Don’t miss out on this gripping story.

Rating: 5/5

With Wine Comes Wisdom

BOOK REVIEW: With Wine Comes Wisdom by J.E. Johnson

“Why do I get my best ideas when I’ve been drinking? Does alcohol truly invoke wisdom?”

Few books manage to truly captivate from start to finish, but ‘With Wine Comes Wisdom’ is one of those rare gems. From the very beginning, it held my attention right through to the last page. The story centers around Alex, a dedicated realtor passionately juggling multiple projects while aspiring to embark on her own investment ventures.

Alex enjoys gleaning insights from savvy investors. Her excitement was palpable when she had the chance to discuss investment strategies with Roman King, a builder. Alex felt relieved that their first meeting didn’t end at his place. In an unexpected turn of events, Alex found herself stranded in a neighborhood after running out of gas, where she encountered Miss Ella. The situation took a bizarre twist when the police warned Alex to steer clear of that area, suspecting her friendliness with the local drug dealers might indicate she was buying drugs.

The story is narrated with a smooth and compelling style, and the plot is thoroughly intriguing. The suspense kept me on edge, eager to discover what would happen next. Written in clear, accessible language, the book is a delight to read. The author has skillfully crafted a vivid backdrop that enhances the overall narrative.

Rating: 5/5


BOOK REVIEW: Sasquatch by Roxanne Seubert

Question of the Day: Do you think creatures like the Yowie, Yeti, or Sasquatch really exist?

“Sasquatch” is an enthralling book that gripped me from the very beginning to the end. The plot revolves around the legendary Sasquatch, rumored to haunt the Money Creek campground. Many dismiss Yeti and Sasquatch as mere folklore.

Ranger Rick has received multiple reports of a mysterious animal in the woods. Seeking assistance from a hermit named Jones, Rick learns about strange markings on trees. Around the same time, campers have reported their food being raided. Meanwhile, Connor and Penny are camping with their dad. During their search for their missing dog, Dax, Connor stumbles upon a large footprint. When the family returns home without Dax, Connor confides in his friend Darius, who offers to help. Dive into this story to discover what adventures await the kids.

I highly recommend this book for middle grade readers. It’s an engaging and enjoyable read. I particularly loved the characters of Connor and Penny. The plot is refreshing and unique, and it even inspired me to think about going camping. It’s an excellent read for children aged 7-18.

Rating: 5/5

Keys to Healthy Communication

BOOK REVIEW: Keys to Healthy Communication

I enjoy reading books that promote a healthier lifestyle. The author focuses on three main principles: Authenticity, Empathy, and Empowerment. They explain that healthy communication supports well-being, while unhealthy communication can harm it.

The authors offer guidance on developing healthy communication skills and emphasize how our lifestyle choices affect our health. This book provides excellent advice on enhancing both our communication and our overall health. It encourages us to care for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Healthy communication is portrayed as essential for fostering a healthier society.

This book serves as a call to action for everyone. The cover is attractively designed, and the pacing is well-balanced. I’ve taken numerous notes in my journal while reading. I appreciate the authors’ inclusion of reflection exercises, which help us become more self-aware and identify areas for improvement. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

Rating: 5/5

Write It In Lipstick

BOOK REVIEW: Write It In Lipstick by River Sutaria

I have a deep appreciation for memoirs, and recently I discovered River Sutaria’s “Write It In Lipstick.”

“Too Late” delves into the fractured relationship between the author’s parents. Following the departure of the author’s mother, the father’s newfound concern raises questions. Is his worry for her well-being genuine, or is it driven by guilt for his past absence?

“Take care of your mother.”
“Make sure she doesn’t drive at night.”
“Don’t let her drink too much alcohol.”
Sometimes, I want to ask him why he can’t tell her these things himself.

In “Family Tree,” Sutaria portrays a family plagued by numerous issues, despite outward appearances suggesting otherwise.

“My family tree has been burning for years, yet some claim to have never smelled smoke.”

These narratives resonate deeply, offering readers a sense of connection. For anyone seeking solace in shared experiences, this book is an ideal choice. It exemplifies the idea that we find our greatest strength during our weakest moments. I am thrilled to have read this book and am eager to explore more works by this author.

Rating: 5/5

On the Precipice

BOOK REVIEW: On the Precipice by Brianna MacMahon

Imperium is a planet on the brink of elections, marked by uncertainty and a fierce struggle for power. Three primary political parties vie for control: the Expansionist Party, the Affiliate Party, and the Grounder Party. While the Expansionist and Affiliate Parties dominate the electoral landscape, the Grounder Party advocates for peaceful coexistence between Imperium and the Core, a stance that doesn’t resonate with most Imperials, leading to their lack of support.

Levine Liston serves as the Lord Regent of Diplomacy, whose ideals clash with those of Cyno Banner, the Expansionist Lord Regent of War and Defense. The story takes a turn when Raelynn, a new graduate, begins her career under Liston’s mentorship, facing increasing challenges as the election approaches.

The dynamic interplay between characters, driven by rivalry and ambition, adds depth and intrigue to the narrative. Readers will be captivated by the evolving power dynamics and the quest for influence among the parties and Regents.

For enthusiasts of political science fiction, this book is a must-read. The author’s skillful handling of multiple characters, particularly the compelling figure of Liston, stands out. I highly recommend this book for its unique and engaging storyline.

Rating: 5/5

The Next Great Discovery

BOOK REVIEW: The Next Great Discovery by Katherine Bennett

Few books manage to grip readers from the very first page, but this one does just that. Leni, living in Missouri, is devastated when she hears about the death of her cousin Tiger. Refusing to accept this harsh reality, Leni is determined to uncover the truth behind his death.

Although Detective Doug Joseph warns her to stay out of the investigation, Leni persists, claiming she needs information to write a story. She senses that Tiger’s friends might be hiding crucial details and becomes even more resolute in her quest for answers.

When Doug heads to New Orleans, he worries about Leni’s determination to uncover the truth, but she reassures him that she is merely reporting. However, Leni becomes fixated on the possibility that a spear was used as the murder weapon.

If you appreciate stories with strong female leads, this book is a must-read. The writing is both smooth and compelling, making you feel as though you’re part of the investigation. The author skillfully sets the scene, and fans of suspense will definitely want to add this to their reading list.

Rating: 5/5

The Poppy Lady

BOOK REVIEW: The Poppy Lady by Barbara Elizabeth Walsh

“The Poppy Lady” offers an inspiring and educational narrative. Moina Belle Michael, an exceptional woman from Georgia and a dedicated school teacher, felt a compelling need to support soldiers heading to World War I. After purchasing some poppies, the war soon concluded.

Moina’s initiative led to the adoption of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance for soldiers. Her efforts didn’t stop there. The book poignantly describes the challenges faced by returning soldiers, who often struggled to find employment and support their families. It raises the crucial question of who will step up to help these veterans.

This book deserves a place in classrooms to reach a wider audience. Its smooth storytelling and captivating illustrations make it a delightful read. It effectively raises awareness among children about the struggles of war veterans. The legacy of The Poppy Lady serves as a reminder of the need for more advocates like her.

Overall, this book is an essential read.

Rating: 5/5